Navigating the HYCU Marketplace

The HYCU Marketplace enables you to quickly and easily find and configure R‑Cloud solutions to help you meet your SaaS application business needs. It includes products for:

  • SaaS applications that can be protected with R‑Cloud using R-Cloud modules

  • Solutions that can be protected with R‑Cloud (for example, Amazon S3 and Google Kubernetes Engine)

  • Solutions that can be protected with other HYCU products (for example, Microsoft 365 and Azure Gov Cloud)

Note  Some of the HYCU Marketplace entries may direct you to other HYCU data protection solutions. For details on these solutions, see the related HYCU documentation.

Searching the HYCU Marketplace

To find R-Cloud modules for your SaaS applications, in the Search field type the name or part of the name and the list is filtered as you type.

To further narrow your search, you can use the platform or category filters to filter the HYCU Marketplace by platform (for example, AWS or Google Cloud) or by category (for example, DevOps or Sales & Marketing). To clear your selection, click next to it.

If R‑Cloud does not provide data protection for the SaaS application that you want to protect, you can request application support by clicking Request Application Support.

Navigating the product details page

To open the details page, select the product, and then click Show more.

For each product, you can perform the following actions:

I want to ... Actions
Get more information about the product.

Each product details page contains a more detailed description. You can find links to additional resources such as the R-Cloud Module Guide, product sheets, or tutorials. Click the link to open a resource.

Add an R-Cloud module, an , or a Google project as a source to R‑Cloud.
  1. Click Configure to open the Sources > New dialog box.

  2. Enter the required information to finish the configuration. For details on how to add an R-Cloud module, an , or a Google Cloud project as a source to R‑Cloud, see Managing sources.

To return to the Marketplace panel, click Back to Marketplace.