Viewing entity details

You can view the details about each entity in the Detail view of the SaaS, Applications, Instances, or Buckets panel.

Note  The Detail view appears only if you click an entity. Selecting the check box before its name will not open the Detail view.

The following details are available:

Entity detail Description

Shows detailed information about the selected entity.

Restore point

Shows the following information for the restore point:

  • Creation date and time.

  • Available tiers from which you can restore data:

    • For SaaS applications, GKE applications, and instances:

      • or : Snapshot. Displayed if a snapshot of the instance using persistent disks exists. Snapshots allow faster completion of restore tasks.

        For SaaS applications, the snapshot tier represents a backup to a staging target or remote storage.

      • or : Backup data on a target. Displayed if backup data is stored on a target.

      • or : Copy of backup data. Displayed if a copy of a backup image (snapshot or backup data on a target) exists on another target.

      • or : Data archive—daily. Displayed if a daily data archive exists on a target.

      • or : Data archive—weekly. Displayed if a weekly data archive exists on a target.

      • or : Data archive—monthly. Displayed if a monthly data archive exists on a target.

      • or : Data archive—yearly. Displayed if a yearly data archive exists on a target.

      • or : Catalog. Displayed if a restore of individual files or folders is available. (Available only for instances.)

      Note  A restore point may or may not include backup data of the entire instance. This depends on the disks included in the corresponding backup.

      Visual labels of the tiers may be specially marked to denote different statuses. For more information, see Tier statuses.

    • For SAP HANA applications:

      • Full: Full backup.
      • Incremental: Incremental backup.
    • For buckets:

      • or : Backup data on a target.

      • or : Copy of backup data. Displayed if a copy of a backup data exists on another target.

      • or : Data archive—daily. Displayed if a daily data archive exists on a target.

      • or : Data archive—weekly. Displayed if a weekly data archive exists on a target.

      • or : Data archive—monthly. Displayed if a monthly data archive exists on a target.

      • or : Data archive—yearly. Displayed if a yearly data archive exists on a target.


Shows the compliance status of the backup (and the resulting restore point):

  • (Success): The backup is compliant (the RPO setting in the policy assigned to the entity was met).

  • (Failure): The backup is not compliant (the RPO setting in the policy assigned to the entity was not met).

  • (Undefined): The backup compliance status is undefined (the backup is still running).

By pausing on a compliance status icon, additional information about the backup is available. You can see backup frequency, the elapsed time since the last successful backup, and the expiration time for each available tier.

Backup status

Shows the backup status of your entity. For more information, see Viewing the backup status of entities.

Restore status

Shows a progress bar indicating the progress of the restore for your entity.

Tip  If you double-click a progress bar, you are directed to the Tasks panel where you can check details about the related task.

Tip  To minimize the Detail view, click  Minimize or press the Spacebar. To return the Detail view to its original size, click  Maximize or press the Spacebar.

Viewing the backup status of entities

The backup status of your entities determines whether it is possible to restore them.

Backup status Restore a SaaS app, a GKE app, an instance, or a disk? Restore files? Restore an SAP HANA app? Restore a bucket?
(Done) a
(Done with warnings) a

(Done with errors)

b ?c d e





















(Expired, Inaccessible on Source, or Deleted from Source)





aAll disks were backed up successfully, but the disk catalog creation task might have failed. In this case, you will not be able to restore individual files or folders.

bThis backup status may indicate one of the following:

  • Not all entities were backed up successfully. Therefore, the entity can be restored only partially. If backing up a boot disk of an instance failed, you may not be able to start the instance after the restore.
  • Creating a copy of backup data or a data archive failed. However, the entity can still be fully restored from the backup.
  • The backup is not application-consistent.
  • Applicable only if you are using the pre-backup and post-backup scripts. The script or some actions specified by the script were not executed.

cThis backup status may indicate one of the following:

  • Not all disks were backed up successfully and the disk catalog creation task might have failed. In this case, you will not be able to restore individual files or folders.
  • Not all disks were backed up successfully, therefore only the files belonging to the disks that were successfully backed up can be restored.

dAn application can be partially restored (only the databases that are displayed in the Restore dialog box).

eApplicable only if you are using the pre-backup and post-backup scripts. The script or some actions specified by the script were not executed.

Note  By pausing on a backup status icon, additional information about the restore point is shown. You can see the backup duration and ID.

Tier statuses

Tier labels may be visually marked to represent backup statuses of individual tiers. These statuses define whether it is possible to restore an entity. The following is an example of possible marks:

Tier status Restore an entity?
or (Done)

or (Done with warnings)

For details on what data can be restored if one of these backup statuses is shown, see Viewing the backup status of entities.

or (Done with errors)

or (Aborted)


or (Inaccessible on source)


or (Deleted from the source)


or (Failed)


or (Expired)
