Viewing events

In the Events panel, you can do the following:

  • View all events that occurred in your data protection environment.
  • Check more details about a specific event in the Detail view that appears at the bottom of the screen after you select the event.

    Tip  If you click the related task link in the Detail view, you are directed to the Tasks panel where you can view more details about the related task.

  • List the events that match the specified filter.
  • Configure R‑Cloud to send notifications when new events occur in your data protection environment. For details, see Configuring event notifications.

Tip  To minimize the Detail view, click  Minimize or press the Spacebar. To return the Detail view to its original size, click  Maximize or press the Spacebar.


R‑Cloud periodically deletes events from the database. Events related to backups, copies of backups, and archives are deleted 90 days after the corresponding restore points are removed from R‑Cloud. All other events are deleted 90 days after they are created.

The following information is available for each event:


Severity level of the event:

  • (Info): Events representing regular service operation.

  • (Warning): Potentially harmful situations that do not represent an immediate threat to service operation.

  • (Error): Errors that immediately affect service operation.

Message Description of the event.

R‑Cloud functional area to which the event belongs:

  • Administration: Protection environment changes, such as updated configurations, added/removed sources, or added/removed targets.

  • Archive: Creation or deletion of archives.

  • Backup: Events that take place during backup and notifications about skipped backup tasks.

  • Backup_Window: Events that take place when a backup misses a time period defined for the backup window.

  • Configuration: Events related to setting backup options for entities.

  • Credentials: Events related to instance credentials management.

  • Export: Events related to the export of data from the panels of the web user interface.

  • Migration: Events related to the SpinUp functionality. For details on the SpinUp functionality, see HYCU R‑Cloud Hybrid Cloud Edition documentation.

  • Notification: Possible failures or system malfunctions.

  • Policies: Creation, updates, or removal of policies.

  • Reporting: Events related to report management and generation.

  • Restore: Events that take place during restore.

  • IAM: Added or removed users, updates of user roles, and status changes.

  • System: Events not related to any other category. Events of this type usually take place independently of your interaction with R‑Cloud.

  • Targets: Events related to target management.

Timestamp Event creation date and time.