Customizing your R‑Cloud web user interface

The R‑Cloud web user interface is designed to be customized to match your needs. When customizing your R‑Cloud web user interface, you can do the following:

  • Adjust the table density to determine how close or far apart the text in the tables should be.

  • Choose to show or hide the separator line between the rows.

  • Switch your R‑Cloud web user interface to light or dark mode. R‑Cloud by default uses the color mode exposed by your browser.


  1. In the Customization dialog box, do the following:

    • Under Table density, select Default density or High density depending on how close or far apart you want the text in the tables to be.

    • Enable the Row dividers switch if you want to show the separator line between the rows.

    • Do one of the following:

      • If you want to use the dark mode: Enable the Dark mode switch.
      • If you want to use the light mode: Disable the Dark mode switch.
  2. Click Close.

The changes take place immediately without the need to sign out and sign in again to the R‑Cloud web user interface. The preferred customization is remembered for the next time you sign in to R‑Cloud.