Selecting an R‑Cloud protection set

An environment for which R‑Cloud provides data protection consists of one or more protection sets that join together sources—s, Google Cloud projects, and R-Cloud modules. When you subscribe to R‑Cloud, a default protection set is created automatically. Depending on your business needs, you can create additional protection sets and distribute your sources among them, having in mind that you must implement data protection for each protection set individually. For details on managing protection sets, see Managing protection sets.

Selecting an R‑Cloud protection set determines your scope of data protection. If no more than one protection set is available in your data protection environment, your data protection scope is always the same and you can safely skip the procedure described in this topic.


  1. On the toolbar, click next to the name of the currently selected protection set.

  2. From the list of the recently used protection sets, select the protection set with the entities that you want to protect.

    Note  The currently selected protection set is represented by the icon.

    If the preferred protection set is not on the list, click More to see all available protection sets, select the preferred protection set, and then click Confirm.

The R‑Cloud web user interface switches the context to the selected scope of data protection. Your selection is remembered for the next time you sign in.