Using R‑Cloud reports

R‑Cloud reports provide you with a visual presentation of data protection environment resources within the currently selected protection set. This comprehensive and precise presentation allows you to have an optimum view for analyzing data so that you can make the best decisions when it comes to protecting your data. Report data can be presented as a table or as a chart.

Important   Reports reflect the state of your data protection environment with an up to 60-minute latency period.

After you get familiar with the reports as described in Getting started with reporting, you can continue as follows:

Getting started with reporting

You can take advantage of predefined reports or create additional reports to better understand your data protection environment, identify potential problems, and improve performance.

For a list of predefined reports, see Predefined reports. For instructions on how to create reports, see Creating reports.

Predefined reports

Predefined reports, represented by the icon, provide you with information on the key aspects of your data protection environment, such as the size of disks and the total size of protected instance data. These reports cannot be edited or deleted.

Name Description
backup-tasks-for-last-24-hours List of backup tasks for the last 24 hours.

Collection of potential consumption within the protection set.

protected-data-on-targets-per-vm Amount of protected data on targets for each protected instance.
protected-vm-disk-capacity-per-policy Amount of protected instance disk capacity for each policy.
total-vm-disk-capacity-trend Total amount of instance disk capacity through time.
transferred-data-per-vm-for-previous-month Amount of transferred data for each protected instance (per backup tier) for the previous month.
unprotected-vms List of unprotected instances.
vm-compliance-status List of instances, their compliance statuses, assigned policies, and the corresponding policy tiers.
vm-protected-data-on-targets-per-policy Amount of protected instance data on targets for each policy.
vm-protected-data-on-targets-per-storage-class Amount of protected instance data on targets for each storage class.
vm-total-protected-data-on-targets-trend Total amount of protected instance data on targets through time.

a The Google Cloud application data is not included in the collection of potential consumption.

Tip  To minimize the Detail view, click  Minimize or press the Spacebar. To return the Detail view to its original size, click  Maximize or press the Spacebar.

Creating reports

If none of the predefined reports meets your reporting requirements, you can create a new report and tailor it to your needs.

Depending on whether you want to create a new report from scratch or edit an existing report and save it as a new report, do the following:

I want to... Procedure
Create a new report from scratch.
  1. Click New New. The New Report dialog box opens.
  2. Enter a report name and, optionally, its description.

  3. Select the type of report (a table or a chart).

  4. Select the aggregation value that you want to use to perform a calculation on a set of collected data.

  5. Specify the time range for the report. The Time Range drop-down menu allows you to:

    • Select one of the predefined time ranges.

    • Define a custom from–to time range. Click Custom to define the custom time range using a date and time picker.

  6. Distribute the report tags for the collected data that you want to include in your report between x-axis and y-axis to determine how the collected data will be presented in the report.

    Important  When distributing the report tags, keep in mind that some report tags are not compatible with each other and are, therefore, grayed out after you add a specific report tag to the x-axis or y-axis tags.

  7. Click Save.
Edit an existing report and save it as a new report.
  1. From the list of reports, select the one that you want to edit and save as a new report, and then click Edit Edit. The Preview Report dialog box opens.

  2. Enter a new name for the report, and then make the required modifications.

  3. Click Save as to save the edited report as a new report or Save to save the changes to the existing report.

Viewing reports

You can view the reports on the current state of your data protection environment or the saved report versions that were generated either manually or automatically.


You cannot preview the potential-consumption predefined report.

I want to... Procedure
View a report on the current state of my data protection environment. From the list of reports, select the preferred report, and click Preview Preview.
View a saved report version.
  1. From the list of reports, select the preferred report.
  2. In the Detail view that appears at the bottom of the screen, select the preferred report version, and then click View View.

For instructions on how to generate report versions manually or automatically, see Generating reports or Scheduling reports.

In the dialog box that opens, besides viewing the report data, you can also download and export the report in the PDF, PNG, or CSV format. To do so, click Download Download, and then select one of the available formats.

Generating reports

When you generate a report, you save a copy of the current version of the selected report (a report version) for future reference.


In a protection set with a large number of sources, generating the potential-consumption predefined report may take a while.


  1. From the list of reports, select the one that you want to generate.

    Note  If none of the available reports meets your reporting requirements, you can create a new report. For details, see Creating reports.

  2. In the Detail view that appears at the bottom of the screen, click Generate Generate. The Generate Report Version dialog box opens.
  3. Optional. Enter a description for the report version.

  4. Click Generate.

Tip  You can save a version of the selected report also by clicking Preview Preview followed by Generate.

The generated report version is added to the list of report versions in the Detail view that appears at the bottom of the screen when you select a corresponding report.

You can later do the following:

  • View the saved report versions. For details, see Viewing reports.
  • Delete the saved report versions that you do not need anymore. To do so, select the preferred report version, and then click Delete Delete.

Scheduling reports

You can use scheduling to generate report versions automatically at a particular time each day, week, or month. You can view these report versions in the web browser or schedule them by email.


You cannot use scheduling for the potential-consumption predefined report.


  1. From the list of reports, select the one that you want to be generated on a regular basis, and then click Scheduler Scheduler. The Report Scheduler dialog box opens.

    Note  If none of the available reports meets your reporting requirements, you can create a new report. For details, see Creating reports.

  2. In the Schedule date field, specify the date and the time of day when you want the report generation to begin.

  3. From the Interval drop-down menu, select how often you want the report versions to be generated (daily, weekly, or monthly).

  4. Use the Send switch if you want to schedule the automatic delivery of the reports to email recipients, and then do the following:

    1. From the Report format drop-down menu, select a file format for your report (PDF, PNG, or CSV).
    2. In the Email address field, enter one or more email recipients that should receive the reports. If you are entering more than one email address, make sure to press the Spacebar after entering each one.
  5. Click Schedule.

Tip  The reports that are generated automatically are marked by the icon in the Scheduled column of the Reports panel.

You can later do the following:

  • Edit scheduling options of any of the scheduled reports. To do so, select the report, click Scheduler Scheduler, make the required modification, and then click Schedule.
  • Unschedule any of the reports if you do not want them to be generated automatically anymore. To do so, select the report, click Scheduler Scheduler, and then click Unschedule.

Exporting and importing reports

R‑Cloud enables you to share user-created reports among different R‑Cloud subscriptions by exporting the reports to a JSON file and then importing the reports from the JSON file.

Exporting reports


From the list of all reports, select the one that you want to export, and then click Export Export.

The selected report will be exported to a JSON file and saved to the download location on your system.

Importing reports


  1. Click Import Import. The Import Report dialog box opens.
  2. Browse your file system for a report that you want to import.
  3. Enter a name for the report and, optionally, its description.

    Note  If the JSON file name and description are already defined in the file itself, the Name and Description fields will be populated automatically. You can, however, use another name and description.

  4. Click Import.

A new report will be added to the list of the reports.