Expiring backups manually

R‑Cloud expires backups automatically according to the retention period that is set for the backup data in the policy. However, if there is a restore point that you do not want to use for restoring data anymore, you can at any time expire it manually. You can do this also for restore points whose backup status is Failed or Aborted if you want to free storage space.

A restore point represents data that was backed up at a specified point in time. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers—Backup, Copy, Archive—that can be marked as expired also individually. Keep in mind that the Catalog tier cannot be marked as expired.

Depending on whether the selected restore point belongs to a SaaS application, a Google Cloud application, an instance, or a bucket, it can contain one or more tiers that you can mark as expired:

  • For SaaS applications, Google Kubernetes Engine applications, and instances: Backup (Target), Backup (Snapshot), Copy, and/or Archive

    Important  Only the Backup tier is available for GKE applications not using persistent volumes.

  • For SAP HANA applications: Full or Incremental

    Important  Only Full can be marked as expired if at least one successful full backup has been created after it.

  • For buckets: Backup, Copy, and/or Archive

You can mark as expired one of the following:

  • Entire restore point

    Make sure that all tiers are marked for expiration.

  • One or more tiers:

    Make sure that only the tiers that you want to expire are marked for expiration.

Important  Marking a restore point or its tiers as expired cannot be undone. If you are marking an application restore point as expired, keep in mind that all previous backups are also marked for expiration.

Depending on whether you want expire backups for a SaaS application, a Google Cloud application, an instance, or a bucket, access one of the following panels:


You cannot manually expire tiers on targets with Object Lock (WORM) enabled.


  1. In the relevant panel, click the entity for which you want to expire a backup. The Detail view appears at the bottom of the screen.

    Note  The Detail view appears only if you click a backup entity. Selecting the check box before its name does not open the Detail view.

  2. In the Detail view, select the restore point that you want to mark as expired.

  3. Click Expire Expire.

  4. Only if marking an entity restore point as expired and its backup status is not Failed or Aborted. Select the tiers that you want to mark as expired:

    • Backup (Snapshot): Available only for SaaS applications, GKE applications using persistent volumes, and instances.

    • Backup (Target)

    • Copy

    • Archive—(daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

    The tiers that are available for expiration are based on the options that you set in your policy. By selecting all the tiers, you mark the entire restore point as expired.

  5. Click Yes to confirm that you want the selected tiers to be marked as expired.

The next retention maintenance task in R‑Cloud removes the corresponding data from the storage locations.