Viewing subscription information

This topic describes the R‑Cloud subscription information that is provided in the web user interface.

The following information is displayed in the Subscription Information dialog box for the R‑Cloud subscription:

First name Information about the person who subscribed to R‑Cloud.
Last name
Notification email recipients

A list of recipients to whom notifications related to the selected R‑Cloud subscription will be sent.

If this field is empty, all the important notifications related to the R‑Cloud subscription, such as support and upgrade information, are by default sent to all users that are using the service. It is recommended that you verify these email addresses and, if required, update the list of email addresses to which the notifications are sent.

Subscription Details
Subscription ID

The identifier that is automatically generated by R‑Cloud and assigned to your HYCU subscription during registration. The subscription ID is used by R‑Cloud when addressing the reported issues.

Subscription plan The plan that your R‑Cloud subscription is using. Subscriptions that are not based on a quote are using the Basic plan (also called the Pay‑as‑you‑go plan). For more information, see Backup and data retention pricing.
Subscribed on The date of subscribing to R‑Cloud.
Version Current R‑Cloud version.
HYCU Account
HYCU Account ID

The identifier that is automatically generated by R‑Cloud and assigned to your HYCU account during registration. The HYCU Account ID is used to sign in to R‑Cloud.

Login URL The login URL for the HYCU account.
Alias An alias for your HYCU account that you can use to sign in to R‑Cloud.