Managing targets

You can view target information, edit a target, deactivate or activate a target, or remove a target if you do not want to use it for storing backup data anymore.

Viewing target information

You can view information about each target in the list of targets in the Targets panel. This allows you to have an overview of the general status of the targets. The following information is available for each target:

Property name Description

Target name (globally unique).

A target that has Object Lock (WORM) enabled is represented by the icon in the list of targets.

For information on how automatically created targets are named, see Resources created by R‑Cloud.

Target type

Type of target for storing data protected by R‑Cloud. For a list of supported targets, see the HYCU R‑Cloud Compatibility Matrix.

Location Geographical region in which the target resides.
Storage class

Storage classes define the storage availability and pricing model. The default object storage class is displayed for the target.

The available options are:

  • For Amazon S3 targets: S3 Standard, S3 Intelligent-Tiering, S3 Standard-IA, S3 One Zone-IA, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive

  • For Azure targets: Hot and Cool

  • For Google Cloud targets: Standard, Nearline, Coldline, and Archive

  • For S3 compatible targets: S3 Standard


Status of the target:

  • Active: You can use the target for backing up data, creating data archives, and restoring data.
  • Inactive: The target has been deactivated within R‑Cloud. Until it is activated, you can use it only for restoring data.

  • Inaccessible on source: R‑Cloud cannot access the target.

  • Deleted from source: The target no longer exists in cloud.

For instructions on how to change the status of active or inactive targets, see Deactivating and activating targets.

Size limit

Maximum amount of the target storage space (expressed in MiB, GiB, or TiB) that is allowed to be used by backup data created by R‑Cloud. The amount represents a soft limit, therefore actual usage may exceed it.


Health status of the target:

  • The icon: Indicates one of the following:

    • The target health has not been determined yet.

    • The target is inactive.

  • The icon: The target is in a healthy state. Utilization of storage space for backup data in the target is less than 90 percent of the configured size limit.

  • The icon: Utilization of storage space for backup data in the target is over 90 percent and under 100 percent of the configured size limit, or the target is publicly accessible in cloud.

  • The icon: Indicates one of the following:

    • Target storage space occupied by backup data exceeds the configured size limit.

    • The target is not accessible due to an I/O error, insufficient permissions, or some other reason.

    • Active lifecycle rules are configured for the target.

Utilization Ratio (expressed in percentage) between the target storage space occupied by backup data and the configured size limit.

The tag shows if the target:

  • Was created automatically by R‑Cloud (Automatic).

  • Is a staging target for a SaaS application (Staging).

To open the Detail view where you can find more details about the target, click the preferred target.

Tip  To minimize the Detail view, click  Minimize or press the Spacebar. To return the Detail view to its original size, click  Maximize or press the Spacebar.

Editing targets


  1. In the Targets panel, select the target that you want to edit, and then click Edit Edit. The Edit Target dialog box appears.

  2. Edit the selected target as required.

  3. Click Save.

Deactivating and activating targets

After you deactivate a target, you can use it only for restoring data. Targets that were created automatically by R‑Cloud cannot be deactivated.


For target deactivation: The target must not be specified in the Target option of any policy or data archive.


  • After deactivating a target, the target cannot be selected for the Target option of a policy until it is activated again.

  • Targets that are specified as staging targets for storing SaaS application data cannot be deactivated.


  1. In the Targets panel, select the target that you want to deactivate or activate.
  2. Change the status of the selected target: Click Deactivate Deactivate or Activate Activate.

  3. Only if you are deactivating a target. Click Deactivate to confirm that you want to deactivate the selected target.

Removing targets

You can remove a target from R‑Cloud if it does not contain any protected data. After removing a target, no backup or restore actions including this target are possible anymore.


The target must not be specified in the Target option of any policy or data archive.


  • You cannot remove targets that were created automatically by R‑Cloud unless they have been deleted from cloud.
  • Targets that are specified as staging targets for storing SaaS application data cannot be removed from R‑Cloud.


  1. In the Targets panel, select the target that you want to remove, and then click Remove Remove.

  2. Click Remove to confirm that you want to remove the selected target.