Restoring SAP HANA applications

R‑Cloud enables you to restore either a whole application or only individual application items to a specific point in time.


  • The instance to which you are restoring application data must be up and running.
  • Only if you plan to restore applications running on instances that use Shared VPC networks. Your user account or the HYCU Managed Service Account (HMSA) must be granted the following permissions in the Shared VPC host project: compute.firewalls.list, compute.networks.list, compute.networks.get, compute.subnetworks.list, compute.subnetworks.use, and compute.subnetworks.get.

  • Only if you are restoring SAP HANA tenant databases without a system database.

    • Tenant databases that you want to restore must exist.

    • A system database must be online and tenant databases must be stopped. For details on how to stop the tenant databases, see SAP HANA documentation.


You can restore application data only to an instance that belongs to the currently selected protection set and on which an SAP HANA application has already been discovered.


  • When restoring data, the automatic backup of backup catalogs using the Backint agent is disabled until the next backup task.
  • Only if you plan to enable the Clear logs option for the selected restore point. Any subsequent restore using a restore point belonging to the same backup chain will also require the Clear logs option to be enabled.

  • After restoring only a system database, make sure to start all the tenant databases.


After restoring data, it is recommended to perform a full backup of data.


  1. In the Applications panel, click the application that you want to restore. The Detail view appears at the bottom of the screen.

    Note  The Detail view appears only if you click an application. Selecting the check box before the name of the application will not open the Detail view.

  2. In the Detail view, select the preferred restore point, and then click Restore Restore. The Application Restore dialog box opens.

  3. From the Project drop-down menu, select the project that contains the instance to which you want to restore application data. By default, the original project of the instance on which the application is running is selected.

  4. From the Zone drop-down menu, select the zone that contains the instance to which you want to restore application data. By default, the original zone of the instance on which the application is running is selected.
  5. From the Instance drop-down menu, select the instance to which you want to restore application data.
  6. Select the Databases check box if you want to restore the whole application or, from the list of databases that are available for the restore, select the ones that you want to restore.

  7. Specify a point in time to which you want to restore application data. The databases will be restored to the state they were in at the specified time.

  8. Enable the Clear logs switch if you want to initialize the log area. This option is by default disabled if you are restoring application data to the same instance and enabled if you are restoring application data to a different instance.

  9. Click Restore.