Configuring SaaS application backup options

Before you start protecting SaaS applications, you can adjust SaaS application protection to the needs of your data protection environment by configuring backup options.

Important  Configuring backup options is not supported for all types of SaaS applications. Additionally, the list of available backup options varies depending on the type of your SaaS application.

Backup option Description
Exclude resources

Enables you to specify one or more resources to be excluded from the backup.


Enables you to use backup options specific to each SaaS application or SaaS application resource (for example, if you are protecting Google Cloud SQL, you can set the offload option that enables R‑Cloud to delegate the export operation to a separate temporary instance).

Temporary instance configuration

Enables you to specify the source, the region, and the subnet where you want R‑Cloud to create a temporary instance during the backup. If the specified source is an , you can also select a security group for the temporary instance.

Important  If you do not configure this backup option, R‑Cloud by default creates the temporary instance in your or Google Cloud project after you set up a target in R‑Cloud or add a source to R‑Cloud.


  1. In the SaaS panel, select the SaaS application or the resource for which you want to configure backup options.

  2. Click Configuration Configuration. The SaaS Configuration dialog box opens.

  3. Depending on what you want to do, perform the required action:

    I want to... Instructions
    Exclude resources from the backup. On the Exclude Resources tab, select the resources that you want to exclude from the backup.
    Use a backup option specific to my SaaS application or resource. On the Options tab, specify which of the available backup options you want to use and provide the required information.
    Specify the source, the region, the subnet, and the security group for a temporary instance.

    On the Temporary Instance Configuration tab, do the following:

    1. From the Source drop-down menu, select the source for the temporary instance.

      Important  If the type of the source that you select for the temporary instance differs from the source where the target specified in the R‑Cloud policy resides, this may result in data egress charges.

    2. From the Region drop-down menu, select the preferred region.

    3. From the Subnet drop-down menu, select the preferred subnet.

    4. For s: Optionally, from the Security Group drop-down menu, select the preferred security group. By default, the temporary instance is created in the default security group of the preferred subnet.

  4. Click Save.