Restoring SaaS applications

R‑Cloud enables you to restore an entire SaaS application or its resources to a specific point in time.


Only if you plan to restore your SaaS application data to a different source. Your SaaS application must support restoring data to a different source and more than one source (that is, more than one R-Cloud module of the same type) must be added to R‑Cloud.


If your data is stored as a snapshot, you cannot restore it to a different source.


  • Only one restore task can run at the same time for a SaaS application or its resource.
  • Only if a SaaS application resource is deleted from cloud. If the deleted resource has at least one valid restore point available in R‑Cloud, it is considered protected and its status is Protected deleted.


  1. In the SaaS panel, click the SaaS application or the resource that you want to restore. The Detail view appears at the bottom of the screen.

    Note  The Detail view appears only if you click a SaaS application. Selecting the check box before the name of the SaaS application does not open the Detail view.

  2. In the Detail view, select the preferred restore point.

  3. Click Restore Restore. The Restore dialog box opens.

  4. Only if the selected SaaS application supports restoring data to a different source and more than one source has been added to R‑Cloud.

    1. Depending on where you want to restore your SaaS application data, do one of the following:

      • Select Restore to same source to restore your SaaS application or its resource to the original R-Cloud module.

      • Select Restore to different source to restore your SaaS application or its resource to a different R-Cloud module of the same type.

    2. Click Next.

    Important  For information whether your SaaS application supports restoring data to a different source, see the R-Cloud Module Guides.

  5. Select at what level you want to restore your SaaS application or resource (for example, at an instance, database, attachment, or story level), and then click Next.

    Important  The list of restore options varies depending on the type of your SaaS application. For details about restore options for your SaaS application, see the R-Cloud Module Guides.

  6. Select the SaaS application data that you want to restore, and then click Next.
  7. From the Restore from drop-down menu, select which tier you want to use for the restore. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers among which you can select:

    • Automatic: This option ensures the fastest and most cost-effective restore.

    • Backup (Snapshot)

    • Backup (Target)

    • Copy

    • Archive—(daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

  8. Only if restore options specific to your SaaS application are available. Specify which of the available restore options you want to use and provide the required information.

  9. Click Restore.