Protecting applications

R‑Cloud enables you to protect your Google Cloud application data with fast and reliable backup and restore operations. After you prepare your application for data protection and back it up, you can choose to restore either the whole application or only specific application items. For a list of supported applications, see the HYCU R‑Cloud Compatibility Matrix.


Cloud Resource Manager API, Compute Engine API, Cloud Identity and Access Management API, Cloud Billing API, and Cloud Storage API must be enabled on the Google Cloud projects that contain the instances and Google Kubernetes Engine clusters on which the applications that you want to protect are running. For instructions on how to enable APIs, see Google Cloud documentation.


  • Keep in mind that the role you have assigned determines what kind of actions you can perform. For details on roles, see Managing roles.

  • R‑Cloud uses an external IP address to access Google Cloud APIs if Private Google Access is disabled on subnets. If your data protection environment requires the use of an internal IP address, make sure Private Google Access is enabled on subnets. For details, see Google Cloud documentation.

Depending on what type of Google Cloud applications you plan to protect, follow the required instructions:

I plan to protect... Instructions
SAP HANA applications Protecting SAP HANA applications
Google Kubernetes Engine applications Protecting Google Kubernetes Engine applications