Restoring individual files or folders

You can restore one or more individual files or folders to an instance or to a bucket.

Depending on where you want to restore individual files or folders, see one of the following topics:


If you want to restore individual files or folders that are stored in the S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval or S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class, the data must be rehydrated first.


  • Two views are available when choosing the files or folders to be restored:

    • The default view allows you to see the file structure as you would from within the operating system. This view is available for newly created backups if the instance was powered on and had credentials assigned during the backup.

    • The filesystem view is always available—even if the default view is not. In this view, the mount point related information from the operating system is not available and the view is suitable also for performing the restores from the file systems which are not mounted within the operating system.
  • Some symbolic links in the filesystem view might point to a non-existing target because the file systems do not get mounted to the same location as they are mounted within the operating system.

  • For details on how the restored individual files or folders are named, see Resources created by R‑Cloud.

Consideration when restoring symbolic links

Depending on the file or folder and the location that you select for the restore, symbolic links and their targets are restored in the following ways:

Selected file or folder Restore location Restored resource
Symbolic link Original location on the original instance Symbolic link and its target
  • Alternate location on the original instance

  • Custom location on a different instance

  • Bucket

Symbolic link's target
Folder that includes a symbolic link Any location on the original or a different instance Symbolic link
Bucket Symbolic link's target

Restoring files or folders to an instance

You can restore one or more individual files or folders to the original or an alternate location on the original or a different instance. For details, see the following topics:


  • The instance to which you plan to restore data must be up and running.
  • The discovery status of the instance to which you plan to restore data must be .
  • The files or folders that you plan to restore must reside on a supported file system. For details, see the HYCU R‑Cloud Compatibility Matrix.
  • A credential group must be assigned to the instance to which you plan to restore data, and the related credentials must belong to a user account with sufficient privileges:

    • For Windows: User from the Administrators group

    • For Linux: User with sudo privileges and the NOPASSWD option set

    For instructions on how to assign access credentials, see Enabling access to data.

  • For instances running Linux: The cifs-utils package must be installed.

  • To enable file transfers between the temporary instance and the instance to which you plan to restore data, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled: 
    • Outbound port 3260 (Windows) or 445 (Linux) must be open on the instance to which you plan to restore data.
    • Inbound port 3260 (Windows) or 445 (Linux) must be open on the temporary instance. You can achieve this in the following ways:
      • Open port 3260 (Windows) or 445 (Linux) on the instance to which you want to restore data. The temporary instance will inherit inbound rules from the instance.
      • For Google Cloud instances: Do one of the following:
        • Create a firewall rule that opens the ports for the instances containing the hycu-iscsi or the hycu-cifs tags.
        • Assign the following permissions to the HMSA: compute.firewalls.create, compute.firewalls.get, compute.firewalls.list, and compute.firewalls.delete.
      • For AWS instances: Create an IAM policy that contains the following permissions: ec2:CreateSecurityGroup, ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress, ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress, ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup, and ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute. The IAM policy can be limited to the instances containing the hycu-worker=true label and to the security groups containing the hycu-iscsi=true or the hycu-cifs=true labels.

Restoring files or folders to the original instance


You cannot restore data to the original location by using the filesystem view if the storage configuration of the instance was changed after the backup in any of the following ways:

  • If any disks were added or removed.

  • If any partitions were added to or removed from the disk on which the data that you plan to restore is located.

  • For Linux instances: If the name of a logical volume or the name of a volume group was changed.


  1. In the Instances panel, click the instance that contains the files or folders that you want to restore. The Detail view appears at the bottom of the screen.

    Note  The Detail view appears only if you click an instance. Selecting the check box before the name of the instance does not open the Detail view.

  2. In the Detail view, select the preferred restore point, and then click Restore Files Restore Files.

  3. Select Restore to Instance, and then click Continue.

  1. In the Restore Files to Instance dialog box, do the following:

    1. From the Restore From drop-down menu, select which tier you want to use for the restore. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers among which you can select:

      • Automatic: This option ensures the fastest restore.

      • Backup (Snapshot)

      • Backup (Target)

      • Copy

      • Archive—(daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

    2. Click Next.

  1. In the Choose Files and Folders dialog box, from the list of available files and folders, select the ones that you want to restore.

    Note  If both views are available, you can switch between the default view and the filesystem view. For details, see Considerations.

    If needed, click or to move between the pages, or enter a page number to go directly to that page. You can also adjust the number of items shown in a page.

    Tip  You can also search for a file or a folder by entering its name in the Search field and then pressing Enter.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Select whether you want to restore the files to the original or to an alternate location.

    If you select an alternate location, specify the path in the following format:

    • Linux:

    • Windows:

  4. Specify which action should be performed during the restore operation if a file with the same name already exists in the selected location (overwrite the file, skip the file, rename the original file, or rename the restored file).

    For naming conventions, see Resources created by R‑Cloud.

  5. Use the Restore ACL switch if you want to restore the original access control list. If enabled, R‑Cloud preserves original ACLs. If disabled, R‑Cloud applies inherited ACLs on the restored files (according to the file system ACL inheritance rules).

  6. Click Restore.

Restoring files or folders to a different instance


  • You can restore data only to an instance that is running the same type of operating system as the original instance and belongs to the same protection set as the original instance.

  • You can restore data to the original location by using the filesystem view only if the original instance and the instance to which you want to restore data have the same storage configuration (the number of disks, the number of partitions on each disk, the type of disks (MBR, GPT, or RAW), and, for Linux instances, the LVM layout).

  • For Google Cloud instances: You cannot restore data to an instance that resides on a different cloud platform by using the Snapshot tier.


  1. In the Instances panel, click the instance that contains the files or folders that you want to restore. The Detail view appears at the bottom of the screen.

    Note  The Detail view appears only if you click an instance. Selecting the check box before the name of the instance does not open the Detail view.

  2. In the Detail view, select the preferred restore point, and then click Restore Files Restore Files.

  3. Select Restore to Instance, and then click Continue.

  1. In the Restore Files to Instance dialog box, do the following:

    1. From the Restore From drop-down menu, select which tier you want to use for the restore. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers among which you can select:

      • Automatic: This option ensures the fastest restore.

      • Backup (Snapshot)

      • Backup (Target)

      • Copy

      • Archive—(daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

    2. Select Restore to a different instance.

    3. From the Instance drop-down menu, select the instance to which you want to restore data.

    4. Click Next.
  1. In the Choose Files and Folders dialog box, from the list of available files and folders, select the ones that you want to restore.

    Note  If both views are available, you can switch between the default view and the filesystem view. For details, see Considerations.

    If needed, click or to move between the pages, or enter a page number to go directly to that page. You can also adjust the number of items shown in a page.

    Tip  You can also search for a file or a folder by entering its name in the Search field and then pressing Enter.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Select whether you want to restore the files to the original or to an alternate location.

    If you select an alternate location, specify the path in the following format:

    • Linux:

    • Windows:

  4. Specify which action should be performed during the restore operation if a file with the same name already exists in the selected location (overwrite the file, skip the file, rename the original file, or rename the restored file).

    For naming conventions, see Resources created by R‑Cloud.

  5. Use the Restore ACL switch if you want to restore the original access control list. If enabled, R‑Cloud preserves original ACLs. If disabled, R‑Cloud applies inherited ACLs on the restored files (according to the file system ACL inheritance rules).

  6. Click Restore.

Restoring files or folders to a bucket


At least one Amazon S3 or Google Cloud bucket must be available in the protection set that includes the source of the original instance.


  • You cannot restore data to a bucket that has Object Lock (WORM) enabled.

  • For Google Cloud instances: You cannot restore data to a bucket that resides on a different cloud platform by using the Snapshot tier.


If a file with the same name as the one your are restoring already exists in the location that you select for the restore, it will be overwritten.


  1. In the Instances panel, click the instance that contains the files or folders that you want to restore. The Detail view appears at the bottom of the screen.

    Note  The Detail view appears only if you click an instance. Selecting the check box before the name of the instance does not open the Detail view.

  2. In the Detail view, select the desired restore point, and then click Restore Files Restore Files.

  3. Select Restore to Bucket, and then click Continue.
  4. In the Restore to Files to Bucket dialog box, do the following:

    1. From the Restore From drop-down menu, select which tier you want to use for the restore. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers among which you can select:

      • Automatic: This option ensures the fastest restore.

      • Backup (Snapshot)

      • Backup (Target)

      • Copy

      • Archive—(daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

    2. From the Bucket drop-down menu, select the bucket to which you want to restore data.
    3. Click Next.
  5. In the Choose Files and Folders dialog box, from the list of available files and folders, select the ones that you want to restore.

    Note  If both views are available, you can switch between the default view and the filesystem view. For details, see Considerations.

    If needed, click or to move between the pages, or enter a page number to go directly to that page. You can also adjust the number of items shown in a page.

    Tip  You can also search for a file or a folder by entering its name in the Search field and then pressing Enter.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Optional. Specify the exact path on the bucket in the following format:


    If you do not specify the path, the files or folders will be restored to the root folder of the bucket.

  8. Click Restore.