Known problems and solutions

This topic lists all known problems that you may encounter while using R‑Cloud, along with their solutions.

Restore of individual files ends with errors or fails


When a restore of individual files completes, the status of the corresponding task is Done with errors or Failed. Closer inspection reveals that some or all of your selected resources have not been restored.


The original disk no longer exists, or the credential group that is assigned to the original instance in R‑Cloud includes a user account with insufficient privileges.


Restore your files to an alternate location on the original instance, to a custom location on a different instance, or to an available bucket, or update the configuration of the credential group that is assigned to the original instance in R‑Cloud.

Inability to change the protection set or to sign in


Although you have access to Google Cloud projects that are included in multiple protection sets in R‑Cloud, only the currently selected protection set is available in the Protection set UI context. After your web user interface session ends, you are unable to sign in again.


Contact HYCU Support.

Problem with sorting data in the Events panel


In the R‑Cloud web user interface, sorting data in the Events panel by the Message parameter does not function properly.


There is no solution available for this problem. If data disappears while being sorted, sign out of the web user interface and sign in again to repopulate the table with data.

Inability to set up manually created Google Cloud targets


When you try to set up a manually created target, R‑Cloud reports that the target is inaccessible.


In the Google Cloud Storage service, grant your the Storage Admin role on the Google Cloud project of the target.

For information on the required roles for the general use of the service, see Signing in to R‑Cloud.

Assigning a policy to a Google Cloud instance fails


After adding the hycu‑policy custom metadata tag to an instance in Google Compute Engine, no policy is assigned to the instance in R‑Cloud.


The symptom may indicate one of the following:

  • The instance belongs to a project that is not included in any protection set.

  • The policy that is specified for the metadata tag value does not exist.


Find the corresponding entry in the event log to identify the root cause of the problem:

  1. In the R‑Cloud web user interface, go to the Events panel and search for the following error message:

    Failed to assign a policy
  2. Click the message entry, check the Message details section for the root cause of the problem, and act accordingly.

Snapshot creation fails for instances in a specific Google Cloud project


When a backup task for any instance in a specific Google Cloud project is started, the snapshot creation task fails and reports an error.


In Google Compute Engine, grant your the Compute Admin role on the Google Cloud project.

For information on the required roles for general use of the service, see Signing in to R‑Cloud.

Task progress indicator remains at 0% during the backup of a Google Cloud instance


You experience one of the following symptoms:

  • When you start a backup task, its child task for creating disk catalog never makes any progress.

  • After you start a backup or restore task, the task gets started, but it never makes any progress.


Check if the Google Cloud project that the instance belongs to has the Cloud Pub/Sub API enabled. If it does not, enable the API for the project through the Google Cloud Console.