Setting up an Azure target


  • An Azure service principal must be added to R‑Cloud. For instructions, see Adding Azure service principals.

  • Only if you plan to store data to an Azure target for which immutability (WORM) is enabled. In Azure, do the following:

    • Set the Enable version-level immutability support option at the storage account level. For details, see Azure documentation.

    • Assign the Storage Blob Data Owner role to the service principal. For a list of all the required roles, see Adding Azure service principals.


  • Storing data to a publicly available target is not supported. Therefore, make sure that the Allow Blob anonymous access setting is disabled in Azure.

  • Storing data to a target for which a lifecycle management policy is configured is not supported and may result in data loss.


  • You can set up the same target in multiple protection sets.

  • Only if you plan to store data to an Azure target for which immutability (WORM) is enabled. When backing up data, R‑Cloud sets the retention period of the immutable blob data to the retention period defined in the R‑Cloud policy.


  1. In the Targets panel, click Add Add.

  2. Select Azure, and then click Next.

  3. In the Target field, enter the name of the target.

  4. In the Size Quota field, specify the amount of storage space that should be used for storing data (in MiB, GiB, or TiB).

    Important  The specified amount represents a soft limit, therefore actual usage may exceed it.

  5. Use the Enforce quota switch to stop running backups if this target reaches its size quota. The backups will start running again after you increase the size quota of this target or assign a different policy to the entities. Such a policy must use a target with the sufficient size quota.

  6. From the Cloud Account drop-down menu, select the Azure service principal that you want to be used for performing all operations on the target.

    By clicking Add, you are automatically redirected to the dialog box that enables you to add the preferred cloud account to R‑Cloud, if not already added.

  7. Click Save.

The target is added to the list of targets in the Targets panel. For details on managing targets, see Managing targets.